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Friday, March 18, 2011

Quote of the day--on the oh, so safe nuclear industry

June 2000

U.S. Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH) led a field senate hearing regarding workers exposed to hazardous materials while working in the nation's atomic plants. At the hearing, which revealed information about potential on and off-site contamination at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio, DeWine noted, "We know that as a result of Cold War efforts, the government, yes, our federal government, allowed thousands of workers at its facilities across the country to be exposed to poisonous materials, such as beryllium dust, plutonium, and silicon, without adequate protection." Testimony also indicated that the Piketon plant altered workers' radiation dose readings and worked closely with medical professionals to fight worker's compensation claims.

Yes, by all means, rest easy, people of the world.  We're safe.   --The Nuclear Industry and your respective government

More here:

With yet another hat tip and thanks to Skippy the Bush Kangaroo (see the blog) for the link.

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