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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Republicans: Wanting America to fail?

There are two fascinating articles out right now, simultaneously, both either asking or proving the same thing basically and that is that the Republicans want this President--and so, the country, of course--to be really hurting or worse, so they can take the country back. I've written on it before. This is just more proof. The first one may be my favorite, if only because it isn't from an American or an American source, for that matter, but a very British one: The Guardian. Hey, if they say it, it must be true, right? Herewith: From now until 2 November, the Republican party will be the party of unemployment. The logic is straightforward: the more people who are unemployed on election day, the better the prospects for Republicans in the fall election. They expect, with good cause, that voters will hold the Democrats responsible for the state of the economy. Therefore, anything that the Republicans can do to make the economy worse between now and then will help their election prospects. It sure seems true from where I sit. And again, I wrote this last year, that they are heavily, heavily committed and invested in seeing to it that this President fails, America be damned (nearly literally) so they don't lose power to him and the Democrats for another 40 years, as happened with and after FDR. The second reference is from The New York Times and renowned economist Paul Krugman: GOP Economic Plan: Punish the Jobless to Screw Over Obama There are five unemployed workers for every job opening. That does not seem to concern the GOP lawmakers opposed to extending unemployment benefits. So there you are, Republicans--a challenge to you. Prove these people wrong. Prove us wrong, those of us who see what you are doing are believe that you're sabotaging the country. Show us you can work together with the Democrats and all other Americans so we can do what's right for America and solve our problems. Prove to us you aren't the "Party of 'No'". Until you do, you have earned this label. Don't take America down a road of failure. Please. We're begging you. Links to original posts: -- --

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