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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

DUI checkpoints this weekend: there's a shocker, huh?

I see today, at the Kansas City Star website, where the Overland Park police are going to hold a "DUI saturation patrol this weekend" and the "Kansas City police plan to conduct a sobriety checkpoint this weekend." Okay, question: First, could they stop announcing these? Really, anymore, don't we all pretty much assume they're going to do this every weekend anyway, for starters? Then, secondly, the people who are out there drinking and driving, are they really effected, one way or another, by these announcements? Finally, don't we actually want a bit of surprise on this anyway, so more are caught and more people are spared any car wrecks? So when you put these factors together, doesn't it make the weekly release of this information just repetitive and unnecessary on the police department's part and the printing of them, on the Star's part? Isn't it pretty much pointless, shallow and predictable? Links:

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