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Monday, May 24, 2010

Read these and tell me Glenn Beck isn't either insane or stupid

All quotes from and by Glenn "I'm a rocket scientist" Beck:

''The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be 'What the hell you mean we're out of missiles?''' —Jan. 2009

''I could give a flying crap about the political process ... We're an entertainment company.'' —Forbes interview; April, 2010

''I am not saying that Barack Obama is a fascist. If I'm not mistaken, in the early days of Adolf Hitler, they were very happy to line up for help there as well. I mean, the companies were like, 'Hey, wait a minute. We can get, you know, we can get out of trouble here. They can help, et cetera, et cetera.''' —comparing government bailouts of auto companies to actions of German companies during the rise of Hitler, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, April 1, 2009

''You have three people in the White House that are in love with eugenics or whatever it is you would call it today. ... Please dear God, read history. Please dear God read the truth of what these people have said in their own words, and ask yourself this one question: Do you trust these people enough to give them control over who lives and who dies? Because that's what health care is when you have no other choice but to go to the state.''—comparing health care reform to Nazi eugenics

''Finally -- well, he wasn't the president. He was the chancellor, Hitler, decided that it was the only empathetic thing to do, is to put this child down and put him out of his suffering. It was the beginning of the T4, which led to genocide everywhere. It was the beginning of it. Empathy leads you to very bad decisions many times.'' —on President Obama's statement that he would consider ''empathy'' in choosing a Supreme Court nominee, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, May 26, 2009

Glenn, go look up "empathy" in a dictionary, will you?

''Advocating through art is known as propaganda. You should look up the name Goebbels.'' —on the National Endowment for the Arts, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Nov. 3, 2009

"This is not comparing these people to the people in Germany, but this is exactly what happened to the lead-up with Hitler. Hitler opened up the door and said, 'Hey, companies, I can help you.' They all ran through the door. And then in the end, they all saw, 'Uh-oh. I'm in bed with the devil.' They started to take their foot out, and Hitler said, 'Absolutely not. Sorry, gang. This is good for the country. We've got to do these things.' And it was too late." —on the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program, which Republican Geo. W. Bush & Co. created, FOX Business interview, April 21, 2009

"So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. ... Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. ... The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening." -on his radio show, March 9, 2009

"Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization...And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did. That's what Al Gore, the U.N., and everybody on the global warming bandwagon [are doing]." —on his radio show, May 1, 2007

"I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies. ... And I know you're not. I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way." —interviewing Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim U.S. congressman, Glen Beck's show on CNN's Headline News, Nov. 14, 2006

"I want a chastity belt on this man. I want his every move watched in Washington. I don't trust this guy...This one could end with a dead intern. I'm just saying, it could end with a dead intern!" —on Sen. Scott Brown saying his daughters are "available" during his election victory speech

"The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags." —on his radio show, Sept. 9, 2005

See, Glenn? That was sarcasm and cynicism, both. You'll still have to work on that empathy thing.

"When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." —on his radio show, Sept. 9, 2005

Still not empathetic.

"Roosevelt...Am I wrong by saying there was a good portion of people that thought, 'Holy cow, I'm glad he's dead. He was turning into a dictator.'"
—on FDR, who was wildly popular after being elected four times, bringing America back from economic collapse, and leading the Allied powers to victory in World War II (May 21, 2010)

Yes, Glenn, you're wrong.

"Because if you are a white human that loves America and happens to be a Christian, forget about it, Jack." —whining about how everyone hates him, April 2, 2007

"I went to the movie this weekend with a gun. And surprise, surprise, I didn't kill anybody!" —Glenn Beck

"You can get rich making fun of me. I know. I've made lots of money making fun of me." -GB

You must mean by quoting things like this:

"You know, we all have our inner demons. I, for one — I can't speak for you, but I'm on the verge of moral collapse at any time. It can happen by the end of the show." —on his radio show, Nov. 6, 2006

Saving the best--and the only thing I can agree with out of his mouth--for last:

"I say on the air all time, 'if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot." —New York Times, March 29, 2009

For yet more from G. Beck, either for an education on his ignorance or for a laugh (or cry), go here:


the crustybastard said...

"either insane OR stupid" ?

Sorry, false dichotomy.

Mo Rage said...

Well, I'm trying not to "dogpile" on him.
