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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sure, nothing in life is fair but...

Two stories today from The Kansas City Star in the same column, the "In Brief" group on page A10.

First this:

A Lawrence man has been sentenced to six months in jail for driving drunk and killing a woman riding her bicycle last year.


Then, this:

A Kansas City man who sucker-punched a grandmother must spend at least 21 years in prison.

True. Both true. You can see for yourself. Go get the paper.

Is that not bizarre?

If you're drunk, driving and kill someone, you get six months in prison.

Hit a grandmother and break her jaw (I didn't show that but hey, it's not manslaughter) and you go away for 21 years.

Don't even try to explain that to me.

Try to have a great weekend, folks.

Link to original post:

Update/addendum: The driver, above, also did a "hit and run" so besides killing the lady, he also drove away.

And he got 6 months.


That's fair.


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