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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A challenge for Sandra Bullock


Please tell me you're not completely surprised he cheated on you.
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K Wessington said...

Disease is just the price of doing business with a EXPLETIVE DELETED;
And likewise sorrow follows us, regardless of our cut
Of pleasure—call it love—but still we seek to find and claim
The peace that others promise waits for all who call its name.

The value floats: we gauge its worth by market force demand;
So when that feast of passion's gone and lover's taste goes bland,
We question whether love exists or whether it's deceit—
But happiness defies this notion—losing love's defeat.

We chase the golden mean in search of meaning in the gold;
In search of sign—not signified—and what makes value hold.
These treasures we can only know from inference at best;
And so we play along in hopes conformity has blessed

The others—never ill at ease—at least it seems that way.
And since the other option's worse, along we'll have to play.

Mo Rage said...

Note to readers: As I explained to this writer, I'll post virtually anything on here, as responses to the blog but I won't allow ugliness or hate speech. It's the only thing I won't post. Criticize me all you will, that--hate speech--I won't publish.
