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Monday, January 19, 2009

Rest assured, folks

Conservatism isn't dead.

The thing is, what is and has been wrong for conservatives and Republicans is George W. Bush.

There is patently, absolutely almost nothing that is or was conservative about this guy: He never met a dollar he didn't want to spend; he grew government larger than any other President on his watch; he intruded government into more lives than any other President; he mixed more religion into government and government into religion than any other President; he got the country into more debt and deficit spending than any other President, etc.

Face it--the facts are George W. Bush has been the worst President ever and he's been a bloody nightmare for both Republicans and conservatives.

Getting rid of this clown--or having him walk off stage, anyway--will be the best thing that ever happened to Republicans, the Republican Party and conservatives and conservative thought. Then, once he's gone and we all start collectively forgetting--and most Americans will forget, sadly--conservatives and Republicans can go back to talking about cutting government, cutting government spending and all that they've always proposed and supposed themselves to be.

It would just be nice if they'd keep government out of bedrooms and religion, once and for all, for starters.

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