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Friday, June 24, 2016

US' First Solar Roadway?

Yessir. America is going to get its first solar roadway. A road, made of electricity-generating solar panels is coming to our nation, at last. And guess what state is getting them?

Why, it's little old Missouree.

America Is About to Get 

Its First Solar Roadway

Check this out:

Solar roadways are coming to the most famous highway in the United States — Route 66.

The simply named Solar Roadways, an Idaho startup run by husband-and-wife team Scott and Julie Brusaw, developed the technology and has entered a partnership with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to install their durable solar panels at a rest stop in Conway, Missouri, along the famous road.

The Brusaws achieved some viral fame through their Indiegogo campaign and the accompanying video, which garnered over 20 million views on Youtube and netted $2.2 million in donations for further development on the project.

The panels are roughly 70 pounds each and hexagonal, made of tempered glass that has the strength to hold cars and trucks and a tractioned surface that performs similarly to asphalt. According to the company’s website, the panels contain “LED lights to create lines and signage without paint heating elements to prevent snow and ice accumulation,” in addition to producing clean energy.

The company has been developing the technology through donations and grant programs and has passed two previous tests with federal highway officials prior to this latest project with MoDOT...

The world's first roadway has done extremely well:

So here's to you, Missouri. Leading the way into a cleaner, smarter future. We won't just leave that to the state of California any longer.

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