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Sunday, December 30, 2012

If we weren't angry before, we can be now


Nearly unbelievable.

As I said above, if we didn't have enough reason to be angry about Washington, our Federal government and how much they either spend or screw up before, we certainly do now.

It seems our own President Obama, whom I have so fiercely supported on lots of things in the past, not the least of which is "Obamacare", pushed through an Executive Order to give Congress a pay raise.


Think about that.

These are the people who haven't passed a budget--their one, big job, mind you--in at least 3 years but hey, here's a pay raise.

These are the people who created the "fiscal cliff" and now have been the only ones who could fix it--but wouldn't but hey, here's a big pile of more money.

These are, by and large, the people who have been screaming, nearly, for cuts in spending but, hey, I want to get more money in my paycheck so, what the hell, let's.

And they wonder why we're all madder than hell.

Holy freaking sh*t.

How stupid are we supposed to be?

How much are we supposed to take before we revolt?


1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Ah. We agree on this one, for sure. But it will happen, no matter how unjust it is.