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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An open letter to the NRA

Ladies and gentlemen,

Once more, now, after yet one more mass slaughter of Americans, the time has come, a lot of us believe, to change at least some things in America so we can reduce these, at minimum, in the future. We would ask that you support the following four ideas:

1) Background checks for weapons purchases for mental stability and criminal history;

2) Closing the "gun show loophole" so the background checks can be done;

3) Mandatory 30-day waiting periods for weapons purchases so "crimes of passion" can be avoided and finally,

4) A true ban on assault weapons since they only exist to mow down people and rapidly. They're not good for hunting or any other purpose.

No one connected to reality thinks there will be no weapons in America and no one is realistically pushing for that. The above isn't "gun control" since not that much would change in America. This is just sensible, logical restrictions for the benefit of the country.

I and a lot of Americans out here would appreciate your support for these 4 logical, sensible and enforceable pieces of legislation.

Thank you,

Kevin Evans
Mission, Kansas

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