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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gun restrictions momentum, at last, showing just this morning

At last, at last, we're apparently getting some support momentum, according to the news this morning. There are these two breaking notices. First this:

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy Calls For Tougher Gun Controls

And then, more importantly because it would/will be national in scope, there's this:

Feinstein will introduce assault weapons ban in Senate

Please, please email your senators today or as soon as possible and ask that they support this legislation.

No one in true power or connected to reality is saying or proposing we take away all guns, let's be clear on that here and now. All we're saying is that there needs to be more, better restrictions. And those restrictions should merely be:

1) That there be background checks for mental stability and criminal history;

2) That there be a 30-day waiting period for purchasing weapons and finally,

3) That there be a return of the assault weapons ban. There is no good use for automatic or even semi-automatic weapons. They aren't good for hunting. There only purpose is to mow down people and in rapid succession.

The tragedy is that so many, so many have had to die first, to get to this point. Hopefully we are finally where we can go forward with sensible progress on this important issue.

"The time has come, the walrus said,
to speak of many things,
of shoes and ships and ceiling wax,
of cabbages and kings..."

And sensible, supportable, enforceable gun restrictions.

To contact your Senators (you have 2), go here:


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