What the Assault Weapons Ban is and a little history (from Wikipedia):
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) (or Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act) was a subtitle of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a federal law in the United States that included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms, so called "assault weapons". There was no legal definition of "assault weapons" in the U.S. prior to the law's enactment. The 10-year ban was passed by Congress on September 13, 1994, and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton the same day. The ban only applied to weapons manufactured after the date of the ban's enactment.
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired on September 13, 2004, as part of the law's sunset provision. There have been multiple attempts to renew the ban,[1] but no bill has reached the floor for a vote.
The Aurora, Colorado Congressman is calling for a reinstatement of the Assault Weapon Ban, thank goodness:
Please contact the House of Representatives to renew the Assault Weapons Ban:
White House:
Be a part of the solution.
And thank you in advance.
Politicians won't do it. THey're too scared of the NRA.
They always have been.
I sense that people are really fed up, in so many ways, with most all their institutions, not least of which is government. I'm hoping we can really get behind this and make this and maybe other things happen. You have to hope. I have to hope.
After each of these many massacres, we have more and more opportunity to get something done. We can do what we can do.
Box cutters and plane tickets took out 3000+ on 9/11.
You can't legislate morality or sanity.
Ah, but box cutters shouldn't have been allowed on airplanes anyway, at that time--and weren't, in Europe, for that matter--and aren't allowed now. Had that been in place, there is a good chance the planes might not have been hijacked. Yet one more example of George W Bush and his administration letting the country down and not keeping us safe.
No, you can't legislate morality or sanity but again, the only purpose of automatic and semi-automatic weapons is to mow people down quickly and thoroughly. It's time we acted on this and ban assault weapons permanently. They are of no need to hunters and no other need but the slaughter of people.
The uses a semi automatic weapon provides are many.They're fun to shoot, people use them for home defense and personal protection, hunters do use semi automatic weapons. Guns are safe as long as they are handled with care by people who know what they are doing.
This man would have gotten a gun and used it no matter if it was banned or not. In England, after they're nation wide ban on guns, only criminals had guns because all the normal people gave up there guns and criminals did not. Shooting still happen in london all the time.
Guns are just chunks of metal until someone pulls the trigger
This p.o.s. Aurora murderer booby trapped his apartment with improvised explosive devices. Those devices & materials are outlawed, but he managed to obtain those.
Yet, Liberals cry out for stricter 'gun control.'
This p.o.s. Aurora murderer also launched his assault in the theater with tear gas grenades. Those devices are outlawed, but he managed to obtain those.
Yet, Liberals cry out for stricter 'gun control.'
Because, obviously, any p.o.s. intent on murdering dozens of people would not obtain one of these assault weapons illegally because that p.o.s. would have too much respect for the law.
Or he could simply give Eric Holder a call.
The fact is, the only proper definition for 'gun control' is being able to hit your target. And that includes any p.o.s. murdering dozens of people in a theatre.
C & C
Semi-automatic and automatic weapons have no real use or function for hunting. I agree on the shooting for some people's fun but it's either that or they're for mowing down people in large numbers, quickly, period. You won't change your mind and I certainly won't change mine.
Regardless if either criminals, psychotics or idiots can get their hands on them, we shouldn't make it easy to obtain them, far from it.
To Locomotive Breath (or C & C)--
Call it what you will, gun control or whatever, it isn't just the Liberals or Left Wing who want less of these assault weapons, since all they're made for is cutting down large quantities of people, at high speed. It's also every family member and friend and associate and colleague of everyone shot, wounded or, worst, killed at Virginia Tech, and Columbine and Tuscon and now Aurora, Colorado and every other place in America where peole have been slaughtered by some chucklehead with a gun.
That's who.
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