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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quote of the day

“The American people are angry. They are angry that the middle class is collapsing because of the Wall Street-caused recession... Meanwhile, the wealthy & the largest corporations are doing phenomenally well & now billionaires & their congressional friends want to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the children, the sick & the poor.” --Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent, Vermont)

And they'll get away with it unless we stand up and demand different and better.


Anonymous said...

Good day, MO!!

I bet right now you are writing a piece on the news that is so good, I dared not believe it could happen.

Simply, bloody, wonderful!

Mo Rage said...

Actually, I've given it thought, as you can imagine. I've decided I want to do one of two things on it (the SCOTUS ruling). That is, I either want to say nothing because tons has already been said on it and tons more will --or-- naturally, if I write anything, I just want to make sure it's something that few or no one, preferably, has noticed or mentioned on it.

Stay tuned but yes, a great, great day for the average schmoe on the street.

I do think I know what I'm about to say, though.