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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Union Station for the holidays

From longtime, local photographer extraordinaire, Roy Inman:
His note: "For KC locals: Union Station is especially spectacular this holiday season. if you haven't seen it yet, better hurry. Only a few more weeks left!" Thanks, Roy, for this and a lot more--your photography and covering Kansas City. (You can find him, too, on Facebook, of course, as this is from his Facebook page).


Donna. W said...

We've been intending to take in the WWI museum again, anyway. Maybe this is a good time of year to do it, and we'll see Union Station while we're that close.

Mo Rage said...

Great thought.

I always enjoy going down there anyway, this just gives me yet more reason to--and it's been a long while since I have.

Another thing I've always meant to see is the miniature museum for the holidays on the UMKC campus. Mu cousin told me for the holidays it's terrific.