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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

War is not a game, by any means

More and more, the American military has been advertising in the last several years to teens and young people in the country, with what seems to be an appeal to potential candidates for service with them, as though war and what they do is some kind of computer game. I found the following yesterday, making my point: "Below is a 30-second Air Force recruitment TV ad (h/t SuperBowlXX); how can anyone, after seeing this, not swoon over the greatness of drones? It’s precisely because of their constant glorification in the War on Terror that their use is virtually inevitable on U.S. soil: if they’re such fantastic weapons for stopping Bad Guys over there, why wouldn’t they be used over here?" I'll discuss the seeming, growing fascism and police state in the US here later, I promise. Link to original post:

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