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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Senator John McCain on Kim Jong Il

Perhaps you heard Senator John McCain's quote on Kim Jong Il, after his (Jong Il's) death: "The world is a better place now that Kim Jong-Il is no longer in it. I can only express satisfaction that the Dear Leader is joining the likes of Kadhafi, bin Laden, Hitler and Stalin in a warm corner of hell." My take? Seriously, for the sake of the country, if you can't say anything nice, Senator, don't say anything. These are people with nuclear weapons. There is an outside chance now is a time when maybe we could reach across the globe and no longer be enemies. With all due respect, shut the hell up, Senator McCain. Link:


pureperfection said...

You're an idiot if you don't think Kim Jong Il deserved what McCain said. North Korea is the current day Holocaust. North Korean adult and children are dying of starvation in concentration camps. The country has absolutely no contact with the outside. KJI deserves to be put in the same category as those other monsters.

Mo Rage said...

If you'll look above and read again, you'll see I didn't say any such thing--and I certainly don't think it, either.

Kim Jong Il was horrible to his people and is responsible for more deaths and atrocicities in his country than any other, likely. But Sen. McCain's statement helped nothing, at minimum and, at a time when they're transitioning to a new "ruler", if anything, we could use silence, in hopes the next one will be actually good to his people.

Mo Rage said...

Coincidentally, seconds--literally--after I responded to your unnecessarily caustic note, I found this and wasn't even looking for it:

Have a nice day. (and I'm not being sarcastic).