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Friday, September 24, 2010

Gov. Bob McDonnell and the silent Catholics: Where were you on this one?

It's truly a sad, sad day for Virginians, whether they agree or not. But it's also the same type day for Americans. Really. Executing a woman--Teresa Lewis--with an IQ of 72 for a murder she didn't do but was accused of "masterminding". The Governor of Virginia should be ashamed of himself in my eyes. And the Supreme Court, for that matter. Go to The New York Times link below and see the woman's picture and read the story if you haven't already. Ask yourself, what did Virginia have to gain by putting this woman to death? Would not have life in prison served as a much more appropriate punishment? The men who actually pulled the trigger on her husband and step-son are serving life in prison and again, one of these men actually shot the victim. And then, where was the Catholic outrage on this execution? I would have hoped every Priest, Bishop and Cardinal, worldwide, and the Pope himself raised their voices in dissent on this. I don't think they did. And if they didn't up to now, I hope they speak up after the fact. What happened to their "life is sacred" mantra they're always spouting? My point is that we should all cry out on this one. As it happens, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, who couldn't find it in his heart, mind or soul to stay this woman's sentence is, apparently, hypocritically, Catholic. Shouldn't Gov. McDonnell be refused "the sacrament", the way they refuse it for divorcee's? I looked today on "The Catholic Key", too, and there is no mention of this story. This is truly pitiful. Really shameful. Pathetic. We all need to be far better than this. Links:;

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