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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Good news for the next generations

From the internets yesterday: Generation Y Giving Cars a Pass; The generation gap is a growing, long-term headache for automakers. Selling cars to young adults under 30 is proving to be a real challenge for automakers. Unlike their elders, Generation Yers own fewer cars and don’t drive much. They’re likely to see autos as a source of pollution, not as a sex or status symbol. They’re more apt to ride mass transit to work and use car sharing services... There's more: “This generation focuses its buying on computers, BlackBerrys, music and software and views commuting a few hours by car a huge productivity waste when they can work using PDAs while taking the bus and train,” says Draves. Moreover, in survey after survey, Gen Yers say that they believe cars are damaging to the environment. Even hybrid electric vehicles don’t seem to be changing young consumers’ attitudes much. So good for "Generation Y", or whatever they're called. Buying into that whole "You are what you drive" thing or "Owning such-and-such a car means you're sexy" is such nonsense. If they should take any advice, it's this--don't buy off on that Madison Avenue, advertising crap. Be your own people. Don't believe cars are status symbols. Be better than we were. Link to original story:

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