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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Note to Ed Ford and the City Council of Kansas City, Missouri

I don't think I'm being presumptuous here by pretending to, singlehandedly, speak for the citizens of the entire city but I think I'm safe in sending you this following note:

After the City Council's Planning and Zoning Committee passed a preliminary resolution this week this week in favor of the new Tomahawke Ridge housing community, North of the city, we, the citizens of Kansas City, whom you are supposed to represent, want you to know


And we don't want it for the following reasons, at minimum:

--It contributes to sprawl;

--It's too far from the city;

--It weakens the city's core further;

--It is 25 miles from the city's core;

--It will be difficult, at best, to give it fire protection;

--Our own Fire Department doesn't recommend it;

--The City Planning Department doesn't recommend it;

--The City can't even clear our streets now, with what we've got, let alone if we add 300+ more homes;

--The City can't even tend to our own street maintenance now, with what we've got, let alone by adding all these more miles of streets;

--The City can't even tend to our sewage system now, with what we've got, let alone by adding all this much more sewers, drains and pipes.

And that's just for starters.

We don't want it.

It isn't prudent, to use an old phrase from Saturday Night Live.

But we're serious.

And we mean it.

Thank you,

The citizens of Kansas City, Missouri


Hyperblogal said...

And don't forget that the reason our airport is in Iowa is so it wouldn't be surrounded by housing the denizens of which would soon complain about airplane noise.

JOCOeveryman said...

PLOW speaks for all citizens of KCMO! Wow....the hubris.

Clearly somebody wanted it.

Mo Rage said...


to quote above: "I don't think I'm being presumptuous here by pretending to, singlehandedly, speak for the citizens of the entire city..."

News flash: It's called a blog. It's opinion. I assumed that's what you write on your blog--your opinion.

Then I back it up with documentation.

As a Conservative or Libertarian or whatever you are (I'm not mocking you here), would you be for this boondoggle, if you lived on this--good--side of the state line?


Mo Rage said...

and, yes, actually, I've got a few friends who "wanted it" (my opinion). :-)
