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Thursday, February 11, 2010

A challenge for Tony and a question for intelligent men and women in town

I'll only address this issue once and that issue is the sexist, stupid, infantile pictures Tony at Tony's KC Blog puts up on that same blog.

My question:


He's addressed it before on his blog, at least a couple of times but seriously, I don't think people read it because he puts those things up there.

He insists it gets him notice. Or "readership" or something.

But why, too, are local women not saying anything about this?

Is this pathetic, high school age sexism so pervasive that you just put up with it?

Is it so rampant that it makes it okay?

I don't get it.

I'd think intelligent, educated, sophisticated women in town--bloggers and non-bloggers, both, would rail against it and request he--Tony--refrain from posting those really childish, insulting things as soon as possible.

On the one hand, he writes mostly about serious things that are going on in the area, however snarkly.

But on the other, he thinks he needs these pictures of buxom young women, barely dressed, so people will read his blog?



It doesn't make sense.

There's a total disconnect there.

And he doesn't have any more self-respect, or respect for his column or respect for his readers to do otherwise.

Tony serves a good purpose---most of the time. He writes okay to good stuff lots of times.

But the pictures, too frequently.

That is some kind of sad.

Sure, it's a reflection on him but it's a reflection on the city, too.

So here's the challenge ladies: challenge Tony to, as I put in his comments on his blog, come to the "adults table" and take down the stupid pictures.

Any takers?

(For the record, I'm hopeful. Think of it as a Quixotic dream. Also, again, I will only bring this up this once. I have no interest in some of silly "blog war", if there is such a thing. I wish Tony well. I just wish he'd get and stay more professional--and adult).


Sarah said...

I have personally commented multiple times on various blogs about this. As a female, yes it is extremely sexist (in my opinion) and no I do not read his blog because, solely based on those photos, he has lost all credibility with me. But if that's what he thinks gets him readership and not his writing, then that should tell you right there the quality of his blog.

Mo Rage said...

good for you. at least, at minimum, there's two of us out here.

I purely mean it constructively.

He should be better than that. He rails against The Star and wants to be taken seriously but puts that nonsense up.

It makes no sense.

thanks for your note,


Anonymous said...

He serves to keep up the population rate in the KC area. There's no telling how many babies born in Kansas City over the past four or five years owe their very existence to the picture of some Israeli chick climbing onto a bicycle TKC posted with a rant about bicycle people. Men see these sexy shots and then they seek to procreate with whatever's at hand... thus assuring a high birth rate so we, as a community, don't peter out like Dodge City did. It's a public service.

Sarah said...

Because what this world needs is more human beings...haha.

Mo Rage said...

I put up anonymous @ 8:59 in hopes and thought that it's sarcasm back on the sexism, to be clear.

have a great weekend, y'all

the crustybastard said...

Tony is the guy who thinks women in Waldo have scant right to complain about an at-large serial rapist in their midst — because there is violent crime elsewhere in the city.

Not the most enlightened guy in town.

Doesn't change the fact that you've made an excellent point that Tony is fundamentally puerile.

Anyway, love the site, adding you to my roll. Cheers!