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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Liz Cheney needs to go away

I never understood why anyone thought we need to know what Liz Cheney's opinion is on anything but, ever since Dad left the White House, she's seems to be ubizuitous.

She shows up again and again on news shows and all because of her last name.

Today, she outdid herself.

Ms. Cheney was on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on ABC and she not only put out here obnoxious opinions, which would be bad enough, but now she's introduced right-wing, shout-down-the-opposition, Bill O'Reilly-type tactics to this show which, up to now, was always calm, lucid and intelligent.

If you saw it, you saw Mr. Stephanopoulos totally lose control of his show, thanks to Ms. Cheney, and not just once but a few times.

It got so bad that, at the end of the show, Liz was still droning on with her views, talking over everyone si Gwen Ifill even tried to help give back the show and control to its host.

Liz Cheney should be asked to never return to this show unless or until she can discuss issues the old way--calmly, respectfully and like an adult.

If she's capapble of that.

At least the corporations are getting their money's worth.


Radioman KC said...

Oh you are SOOOO right. She was horrible. Worse, she pontificates like her dad does with that crooked mouth.

But she's really great for the republican party, don't ya think (wink wink!). I think they should make her RNC co-chair. Get her out there all the time making excuses for Dick the Bruiser... just not clutter up MY Sunday morning talk shows please! I hope to heck ABC's program gurus thought she was a BAD guest and not a GOOD one.

I would SO love her daddy to get indicted for war crimes. That will teach those people not to be so fast and loose with our legal system, and also get even. Did you hear her actually say special prosecutors cause people o have to have lawyers and take their minds off of their jobs.

I remember saying that ALL the time when the GOP was trying to oust Clinton and what they're trying to do to torpedo Obama at every turn.

Yup... just horrible. I'm not sure who's worse, she or Sarah. But if she's the next gen of the GOP, well, they're definately still not fit to govern.

Mo Rage said...

Thanks for that RM. It sure sounds like we saw the same show.

Now, as you say, let's hope the illegalities of W's administration get explored, at least, and then go from there.

I have to say, though, buddy, Sarah P has Liz beat, I think, hands down, for stupid/embarassing, etc., but that's my take.

have a great week