Okay, sure the world is going to hell in a handbasket monetarily and in all ways financial but, as a side note, I have to point out that, right now, there's a CNN report showing the White House has totally lost its collective mind.
The Patriot Act?
You patriots thought that was just to keep watch on the terrorists and possible terrorists out there, right?
Well, buckos, every left-wing liberal who said we were selling the Constitution down the river is now officially correct.
Check this out:
"Congress is looking into allegations that National Security Agency linguists have been eavesdropping on Americans abroad."
Ain't that sweet?
"A terrorist surveillance program instituted by the Bush administration allows the intelligence community to monitor phone calls between the United States and overseas without a court order -- as long as one party to the call is a terror suspect."
"'Adrienne Kinne, a former U.S. Army Reserves Arab linguist, told ABC News the NSA was listening to the phone calls of U.S. military officers, journalists and aid workers overseas who were talking about "personal, private things with Americans who are not in any way, shape or form associated with anything to do with terrorism."
You owe it to yourself and, really, no exaggeration, to your country, to read the full article. (See link below). It will make you nauseous but it's very important to know.
Right in the middle of our world falling apart, we find that our own government doesn't even trust the American Soldiers who've volunteered to fight and possibly die for our country in a wrong war--one we we were all lied into.
Could there possibly be more insanity in the world?
Don't answer that.
I know the answer is yes.
Good God. Proof positive this White House, this President, this Vice President and this entire administration has no regard for right, wrong, good, evil, loyal and faithful American Soldiers, anyone or anything.
They can't distinguish between good or evil so everyone is suspect--even the people fighting and dying for us.
I say again, I don't even recognize my own country.
The full article here:
Raskin Says Alito Must Recuse After Private Call With Trump
13 minutes ago
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