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Friday, October 24, 2008

2 Right Wing Wacko Stories

Right this moment, there are, literally, 2 Right Wing Wacko Stories out.

In the first, Representative (of all people) Michelle Bachman has put out a very public apology to Senator Obama for "her televised comments calling Barack Obama anti-American, according to a Republican source familiar with her campaign’s decision."

link here:

Seems Ms. Bachman opened her mouth and put it right in.

At least this Right Wing Republican has the courage and decency to what ought to be done--apologize--unlike too many of her brethren, including Senator McCain and Governor Palin. They fling the accusations out there and not only don't apologize, they keep 'em coming.

And the other story right now, from the Really Really Far Right Wing is about a young woman of dubious mental stability (I mean that seriously and earnestly, not sarcastically) who turned in a now proven false story about being "attacked by a 6-foot-4 black man Wednesday night..." for money, at a bank's ATM.


Strange thread here, isn't there?

What's nice is that Senator Obama is "off the campaign trail" right now, seeing the gravely ill grandmother in Hawaii who raised him. My original concern was that the McCain camp might try to do some serious damage to Senator Obama's campaign by some shenanigans of some kind.

Instead, it seems the Right Wing Wackos are just self-destructing, all by themselves.

Finally, an aside, before we go, as if the above isn't enough, Sarah Palin is quoted as saying--and I'm not making this up--she would have named her next child "Zamboni", if she'd have had another. She said she always wanted to name a child Zamboni.

If the economy just keeps gettin' worse, this stuff just keeps gettin' better.

Have a good weekend, y'all.

1 comment:

Doktorant Observer said...

Yea, I love MB every time she speaks, we sign up more Democrats!