More irony from the new land of Socalism, on top of our Fascism:
So the Europeans met this weekend, to deal with their problems of tight credit and guess what? Their land of Socialism thinks it's a bad idea to throw billions of dollars at their financial institutions, to shore up the problems.
So here we have the United States of America, home to Capitalism with a capital C, and our love of and preference for what we like to call and be "free markets" and which area throws three quarters of a trillion dollars at the problem--the US or Socialistic Europe?
Why, the United States, of course.
That "free market" stuff? We only mean that when things are going well.
Like it's been said, on the way up--in the good time--we're all "small government" and unregulated markets.
If it tanks?
Oh, yeah, then we're all for big government. THEN we want Uncle Sam to step in.
It all makes sense.
We gotta keep those wealthy people happy, right?
(While yer at it, throw in $140 more billion in tax deductions for these other areas, too, okay Senator?)
But the grossest insanity and hypocrisy and irony of all this is that now, the very people who created this mess--the banks themselves--and the people who helped create this mess--the Republican Party and, specifically, the current Presidenial Administration--are the very people we are entrusting to take this boondoggle of money and fix the problem.
Think about that. It's incredible.
The very people who HATE government and have made that clear are the ones we've given nearly a trillion dollars to, to clean up the very mess they themselves made.
It's like giving an alcoholic more alcohol to help him quit drinking.
Does this sound like a good idea to anyone?
All this on top of the facts that we are in completely new financial/economic territory where we aren't even sure what the rules are. Economists aren't even sure what is up and what is down.
What makes anyone think politicians, armed with billions of our tax dollars can straighten this mess out--quickly, as we need, or even slowly?
This bailout is going to make Hurricane Katrina look like a national picnic, instead of the travesty it was--and still is.
And, like "heckuva job" Brownie, regarding Katrina and Don Rumsfeld concerning Iraq and rendition and torture, and so many people in this administration, "W" is going to just walk away.
I don't recognize this country any longer.
The Era of Richard Foreman
11 minutes ago
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