Iraq. It drives me crazy.
First, the claim that we "had to invade", is such a boldface lie that has been either accepted, denied or ignored, you'd think the American public would be in an uproar.
But no, of course not.
Then, there's the mis-managed debacle that it's become that's so maddening. There's a report out, just this morning, about a prison that you and I--the American taxpayer--paid for, to the tune of 40 million dollars (I always have to spell those out) and it will never be used. Unbelievable. And yet not, right? Not with this administration. You can see the full, original story here:
The contract was originally awarded and didn't go well, right from the start, it's reported.
But that's only a small portion of the insanity.
"In a companion report also being released Monday, Bowen (Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction) said the prison was part of a $900 million Parsons contract to build border posts, courts, police training centers and fire stations. It was one of 12 contracts awarded in 2004 in hopes of restoring Iraq's infrastructure."
But wait, there's more:
"Of 53 construction projects in the massive Parsons contract, only 18 were completed."
"As of this spring, Parsons had been paid $333 million. More than $142 million of that — or almost 43 percent — was for projects that were terminated or canceled."
This from the "conservative" President. This from the "conservative", "shrink government" Republicans. Right.
Some of the problems seem like they might have had easy and obvious ways to avoid, too:
"Bowen said only about 10 U.S. contracting officers and specialists were working on the $900 million contract, whereas 50 or 60 would be assigned to a comparable undertaking in the United States."
It was never completed. It was never done right. But the company awarded the contract, Parsons, got 31 million dollars for their efforts. 31 million dollars for a job they never finished. The other 9 million dollars went to subcontractors. Sweet deal, eh?
But wait! There's still more:
"And the choice of Parsons — in retrospect — was part of a far bigger web of alleged shortcomings by the conglomerate in Iraq."
"This is the worst performing contractor that we have identified" among the seven firms so far studied in Congress-mandated reviews of Iraqi projects, said Bowen."
Why is this administration getting off so free and easy? Why aren't people raising bloody hell?
"Bowen said his agency has done 120 audits on Iraqi projects. "And they tell an episodic story of waste," he said."
What is it going to take to get this administration to take responsibility for the deaths, injuries, destruction, waste, corruption, graft, payoffs and lack of responsibility they've inflicted on the United States--and the world?
Why aren't you people madder than hell?
In a completely separate but definitely related story, the Bush Administration announced this morning that the 2008 deficit will set a record.
No, no. Don't get upset or anything.
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