All from Yahoo! news just now:
* Stocks jump on drop in oil, Wells Fargo report
* American League All-Stars win 4-3 in 15 innings
* US troops pull out of Afghan base after attack
* Mass. Senate votes to let out-of-state gays marry
* Bush claims executive privilege on CIA leak (well, except this but this everyone expected this)
Some thoughts:
We ALL need oil prices to come back down out of the stratosphere, of course. Homes, families, businesses, everyone needs that
Stocks going up? There again, that's nothing but good news, unless your money is in "puts", of course. The market's gone so far South, it needs a good share of "North".
US troops pulling out of anywhere is always good. Let's get those men and women home, as soon as possible--and safely.
It kills me that the very people who supposedly want government out of our personal lives--read: Republicans and Conservatives--are the very ones that want that same government to reach into marriages and discriminate against two people who want to commit to each other. They don't "get it" but, hey, no one ever accused them of thinking.
The American League winning the All Star Game is always good. "Go, Royals!". As a side note: this game went so late that the local paper, the Kansas City Star, could only print that, last they checked, the game was still tied and into an insanely late overtime--that's how late it was. For the record, it ended in 15 crazy, long innings.
And now for my favorite topic, of all the above-listed stories: It seems "The Current Occupant" (of the White House, of course), has to claim "Executive Privilege" in the outing of a CIA agent, by someone in his own White House. That's like asking for a pardon, before you're charged with a crime, isn't it? (Yes, it is).
In fact, upon looking into the article, I found the following quote from Senator Henry Waxman, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, on the matter: "This unfounded assertion of executive privilege does not protect a principle; it protects a person," Waxman said. "If the vice president did nothing wrong, what is there to hide?"
I'm sure they'd say nothing, nothing at all.
Yeah, right.
And there were WMD's in Iraq, too.
Kansas City Gifts ANOTHER 17 MILLION BUCKS To Cordish
9 minutes ago
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