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Monday, October 1, 2012

Muslims--and the world--need to make clear this is not acceptable

From the Star today:

Bangladeshi Muslims torch Buddhist temples, homes

Check this out:

Thousands of Bangladeshi Muslims set fire to at least 10 Buddhist temples and 40 homes in anger over a Facebook photo of a burned Quran before authorities restored order.

So let's get this straight.

Thousands--thousands--of people set fire to Buddhist religious buildings--their temples--and homes because there was a picture on Facebook of a burned book.

Right. Got it.

That's logical, right?

Heck no.

All peaceful and peace-loving Muslims, Islamists and followers of their leader, Mohammed, as well as the world, need to make clear to the rest of the world that torching other people's homes and religious buildings and even the murders which have taken place are not acceptable or an option, in any situation.

On the contrary, it's insane. It's psychotic.

If the point is that only 10 to 15 percent of the Muslim world are terrorists, fine but then the rest of the Muslims of the world need to make crystal clear to these lunatics that this is not acceptable and not what Mohammed would have them do.

To remain silent gives these people consent to continue this insanity.


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