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Friday, June 18, 2010

Good for Claire--good for us

Our own Senator Claire McCaskill is apparently going to get the "secret holds" of Presidential appointments finally done away with in the Senate, thank goodness. According to the newspaper this morning, Sen. McCaskill has rounded up at least 67 votes--Democrats and Republicans alike--to do away with these holds that Senators could put on presidential nominations, without having their name on them. They could individually hold up an important process without any identification of who was doing it and so, of why, either. It made no sense and it's a great thing it's going to go away. It's just one more thing that Claire has done for us since she's run for elected offices. It was assinine that a senator could somewhat cowardly get a nomination for a government seat be put on hold but then not have their name associated with it so the person was held more responsible for just why it was on hold. Lots of judicial nominations for the courts have been on holds for years, with no way of telling who put the person on that hold. That was no way to run a governement, that's for sure. This is a big improvement and we have Senator Claire McCaskill to thank for it, if and when it gets passed. Link to original post:

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