Did you see where it's been shown that this first decade of the century was the worst decade--ever--for both stocks and jobs?
Check this out from The Wall Street Journal, no less:
"Since End of 1999, U.S. Stocks' Performance Has Been the All-Time Clunker; Even 1930's Beat It"
The blog "Soot and Ashes" said it best:
"And some people still support these jokers why?"
"Seriously, with that pitiful record, how stupid would you have to be to call yourself a Republican? You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool a Republican all of the time it would appear."
"Keep hating the fags. Keep stressing about abortion and flag burners."
"Meanwhile, you're jobless and broke."
"(UPDATE - P.S. - THE DEMOCRATS SUCK TOO. But for pure negligence, corruption and incompetence, the GOP takes the prize - worst of the worst. 2010 recommendation - vote 3rd party and anti-incumbent. 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 - repeat.)"
Back to me--I don't know about that last part through 2018 but I surely couldn't vote the Rethuglicans back in again.
Link to original post: http://sootandashes.blogspot.com/
This is why Canada has plenty of eggs — and the U.S. doesn't
51 minutes ago
Lots I don't agree with you on, but until things in America get drastically better I will not be voting for majority party incumbents, and I have a preference for third parties.
I think we're all extremely disillusioned with all of them Sevesteen. Don't get me wrong.
After I posted on the ouster of Wayne Cauthen from City Hall, one of my out of town readers commented on the antics and its reflection of the lack of good quality people among our elected leaders (aluding to his own city as well as KC). Since then, I keep wondering, first, can we get quality people in government, and second, can we keep them being quality people and not have them turn into the standard political dirtbag? I truly have no answer to this question.
Sure, I am no fan of the GOP, but let's take a look at corruption in the Democrats. Timmy Geitner not paying his taxes. Barney Frank getting his partner all that sweetheart money at Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. Charlie Rangel not reporting income on his taxes. There is blame everywhere.
that's why both the original writer--and I--added the part about the Dems being dirty too, of course.
As to the observer's comment about finding quality people to work in government. My thought is I want to find that someone that you'd have to drag kicking and screaming every day into city hall, congress, the White House, etc to be my leader. The first inkling that they have designs on the power they hold, their ass gets booted and the next sucker gets his or her turn.
I tire of cynicism and criticism that is only meant to be either cynical or critical, for its own ends, for the assumption by the spokesperson that it comes off as sophisticated.
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