More information on Scott Roeder's murder trial in the death of Dr. George Tiller, shot and killed at and in his church, of all places, on a Sunday morning, while the Dr. Tiller was volunteering:
"The man accused of killing Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller bought a gun two weeks before the slaying and practiced shooting it near Topeka the day before Tiller’s death, prosecutors said Friday."
There's more: "Paul Ryding, an equine veterinarian and member of Tiller’s church, testified that... he had seen Roeder in church about six months before the shooting, sitting in a back pew."
Oh, yeah.
Besides being guilty of shooting and killing Dr. Tiller, which he confessed to, he's clearly guilty of planning (premeditating) his killing of Dr. Tiller.
Here's some more insanity from this trial:
"Security was tight. A bomb-sniffing dog was in the courtroom before jurors arrived and in the hallways outside during breaks."
I have to conclude that security has to be tight on this trial, too, because, unfortunately, more self-righteous, right-wing, sanctimonious, religious fundamentalists with beliefs about "protecting life"--those of the unborn, anyway--might well try again, like the illustrious Scott Roeder, to take matters into their own hands and possibly blow someone up down there in Wichita, what with this trial, so they can have the kind of justice they think there should be.
And that's from the religious ones.
The wackos, anyway.
Want proof?
"Cathy Ramey, a longtime anti-abortion activist from Oregon, said she came to Wichita to observe the trial."
“'I’m here because I believe that God has a consistent standard of justice and whatever force is necessary to protect an innocent born person ought to be applied to an innocent unborn person as well,' Ramey said."
But wait, there's more:
"Regina Dinwiddie, a friend of Roeder’s from Kansas City, showed reporters a petition that she had been taking around Wichita. It declares Roeder’s actions as 'morally justified if they were necessary for the purpose of defending innocent human life. Under these conditions, Scott Roeder should be acquitted of all charges.'”
"Dinwiddie said she had gathered about 100 signatures on her petition."
That is some sad, sick thinking from these people, but it is the way they think, as shown by Roeder's actions and these women's own words and actions.
When you "know" God is on your side, you can do whatever you wish.
Laws, sanity and decency be damned.
Question to Scott Roede, Ms. Ramey, Ms. Dinwiddie and their ilk: Who would Jesus kill?
This is why Canada has plenty of eggs — and the U.S. doesn't
51 minutes ago
Without question, premeditated. I think it may be time for Kansas to dust off the death penalty.
Oh, no, see? This is where we do a couple of things that outdo Mr. Roeder and his kind.
We sentence him to life in prison.
Hell yeah.
First, we show him we're not down to his level.
Second? We let him rot in, hopefully, the darkest, oldest and worst corner of Fort Leavenworth, if we can, so he can think about this for the rest of his miserable, sanctimonious life.
(I mean the Federal prison at Leavenworth of course)
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