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Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Kansas City Star and good work

You can say what you will about the Kansas City Star and I'll admit, the coverage and newspaper isn't what it used to be, for sure, but this weekend, with the story yesterday--Saturday, Oct. 17--on "concierge medicine" and today, Sunday, 18th on money going through Jefferson City and also about Rod Jetton, they really made up for themselves.

Two fantastic, important, well-written stories that told us where we are and what's going on in our society, locally, regionally and even nationally.

They were important stories and articles. It was good coverage.

To those who didn't read them, you need to, in an effort to know what's going on in our society--to know what's right and what's wrong.

That, and the small article today about the Kansas City, Missouri School District Superintendent John Covington and what he plans.

I can come to no other conclusion but that it was good, intelligent and, again, important coverage that shouldn't be missed.

You can't expect anything more from a local newspaper.


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