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Sunday, December 28, 2008

The "Trillion-dollar President"

George Walker Bush gets another distinction.

From November's federal deficit report, we're told that we're absolutely on track, as a country, to have a federal deficit of one trillion dollars.

And sure, we're fairly numb anymore to reports of millions and billions and now trillions of dollars worth of anything, let alone deficits, that it has lost meaning.

I know that.

But the fact still remains that we, the United States, are going to have the largest, trillion dollar budget deficit in the 232 year history of the country. (Sure, there's inflation in them-thar figures but it's still the largest deficit ever and it DOES mean something).

Anyway, that gives this worst-ever President--again, George Walker Bush--the additional ignominious distinction of being the most profligate, spending, wasteful, irresponsible trillion-dollar President, ever.

My point in bringing this up is, first, to make sure people know it and second, to make sure we don't forget it.



We must never forget.

And it was the Republicans and the Republican Party who, during their years of control of Congress who, among other things, took "pay-go" out of our government. (Pay-go is, more literally, "paying as you go" or, more specifically, the rule of law that used to be in effect--again, before Republicans took it out of our laws--to only create spending if you had a place in taxes from which it was coming. For example, the lawmakers could create a bill to spend money but it had to either come from a new tax--which they are not wont to create--or from killing some other program).

And this "pay-go" program is something, now, that the Democrats should put back into law but they can't or won't anytime soon because of the huge, ridiculous financial mess and straits we're in.

We're in too much debt and have too big of problems to be responsible right now.

And that stinks.

Let's never forget who got us here.

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