Barack Obama was "dead-on" with his votes on Iraq. Iraq was the wrong war at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons and Barack Obama voted against it.
Good for him. If only the rest of Congress did the same.
So first, Sen. McCain questions his patriotism about voting against it. Then, today, he says--yet again--that he's only questioning "whether America wins or loses."
What nonsense.
Man, if people bite off on that one, believe it and vote accordingly, for one, they're not very bright and second, they're gullible to an extraordinary degree.
Let me say again: Barack Obama was right about his vote against the Iraq War.
We were led into it on false pretenses, at least, if not out and out lies and Sen. Obama had the wisdom and courage enough to go down in a vote, saying it was the wrong thing to do even then, with what information he had at the time.
With more time and information, it turns out he was absolutely correct.
And now Senator McCain wants to say he's wrong because he, Sen. Obama, may or may not want America to "win"?
So, all of a sudden, winning or losing is the big issue?
How about right vs. wrong, especially when American soldier's lives are at stake?
That seems to be a much more important factor and facet, rather than whether we lose, particularly since "losing" this war simply means we walk away, smartly, from a wrong war. At this point, it seems we really should work with the Iraqis the way they want us to, organize and get out. Maybe bring in the UN, in the meantime, as they've volunteered, and, again, get out.
Doesn't seem like a loss to me.
Daily Cartoon: Friday, January 10th
36 minutes ago
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