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Friday, October 30, 2020

Another Conservative and Republican for Biden, Against Trump

Another conservative and Republican comes out publicly, very publicly for Joe Biden and against this sitting, Republican Party President Trump. From the Detroit News yesterday.

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A bit from the article.

I am a lifelong Republican. And I am exhausted.

Nearly all my career, I have worked for Republican candidates and conservative causes, managing campaigns, organizing coalitions and raising money. In 2010, I helped lead the Michigan Republican Party to its most successful election cycle in history. And for nearly two years, I served as U.S. Department of Education chief of staff in the Trump administration.

But this is 2020, so of course this year is different. I cannot vote for the Republican nominee for president. For the good of the party I have supported my entire life, but more importantly, for the sake of the country I love, I implore all patriotic Republicans to join me.

Let's be clear on this. 

Never, in the history of our nation, have so many people from THIS OWN SITTING PRESIDENT'S SAME POLITICAL PARTY come out against him, publicly. Going further, no other sitting President had this many people, again, from his own same political party, FORM THIS MANY FORMAL, FUND RAISING FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS to defeat him and to see to his defeat. 

It's that historic. 

And it's deserved. It's for good reason. He's earned it. All of it.

Let's do this.

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And he's running his reelection campaign the way he runs our national campaign against this pandemic.

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