Coincidentally, purely, these two articles came up online to me this afternoon:
Google pays just $10 million Irish tax bill by routing 9 billion euros profits abroad
And this one:
Fugitive Irish Lawyer Michael Lynns' $103 million is out of reach of the law in Brazil
You see what both this corporation and this lawyer did, don't you?
Each used current, existing laws to get and keep money away from the government in their operating country.
Pretty nice, eh?
Don't want to pay taxes in the country you live in, as in the case of the uber-rich attorney in Ireland?
You're a corporation somewhere--anywhere in the world, really--and, again, don't want to pay what would otherwise be a legitimate tax bill that would help keep that country you're operating in, running?
Offshore the profits, silly!
Before, the working person's problem was having his or her work devalued and so, paid less, because the company they worked for took the work overseas to be done by impoverished workers in foreign countries who would be desperate for the work.
Now, worse yet, we have individuals and these same corporations legally but immorally and unethically "offshoring profits" so they can escape tax bills.
Sounds like a certain Republican presidential candidate we know, too, doesn't it?
Nations the world over need to outlaw these possibilities. If they don't, it will not only continue to happen but spiral upwards in use by these selfish, greedy pigs.
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