First things first--let me make it clear, I am and always have been a big, big fan of Garry Trudeau and his marvelous, funny, witty, sometimes scathing comic strip, "Doonesbury." It was great back in the 60's, when it began and he is one of a tiny group of writers, cartoonists who can be creative and unique and funny and biting and skewer our social and political scene, all at the same time. Now, this week--late last evening--I find out Mr. Trudeau has done a strip on the Texas transvaginal screenings they require for abortions down their in Right Winger's La-La land and that
THE KANSAS CITY STAR IS WIMPING OUT AND NOT GOING TO RUN IT. Sissies. It seems Mr. Trudeau knew it was going to be too controversial for some newspaper editors so he created a 2nd strip for them. I've always been proud that this stip and Universal Uclick is out of our own hometown of KCMO but here they go against all that and substitute the non-controversial material for what they perceive to be people's soft sensibilities, instead: "Steve Shirk, manager editor of The Kansas City Star, said his paper would use the replacements in the comics section."
I say again, The Star is filled with weinies, clearly. They've wimped out. They've taken the coward's, weak-minded route. And that's sad. I'm tired of media people and groups who don't give their viewers or readers the benefit of the doubt and side with adulthood and maturity and education. I'm of the opinion that, one day soon, The Kansas City Star will get the future it deserves, since it never took any "high road" or challenged its readers, or, for that matter, itself, to do its best work.
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