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Monday, March 5, 2012

More on the huge ripoff that is Walmart

New, yet more disgusting news on the societal ripoff that is Walmart. This from Mother Jones today: Walmart Contractor Paid $3 to $4 an Hour (link at bottom) From the story: " Workers at a Walmart warehouse in the Inland Empire in Southern California were sometimes paid as little as $3 to $4 an hour, according to former crew leader Jorge Soto, who says he was ordered to falsify employees' time sheets to cheat them out of fair pay. Workers at this warehouse and two others in the area have filed a lawsuit that claims, among other things, that they were forced to sign blank time sheets which supervisors would then fill in with less than half of the time actually worked, according to a new investigation by Lilly Fowler for the nonprofit news organization" I mean, really, they were disgusting and vile before but they jsut keep adding this kind of material to their capability sheet. And all so the billionaire Waltons--and certain Major League Baseball owners--can have yet more money. Repulsive. It seems there is no "lowest point" to which Walmart won't sink, all in the name of bigger profit and growth for a corporation. Link:

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