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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Labor Ready: The big, shameful success on the backs of the poor, Part V

Finally, the last thing I'm aware of and that I will report here, that Labor ready uses for its success, on the backs of its poor and working poor employees is that it is not uncommon for the company to tell a "temp" to arrive at the office at 6 am (oh, boy!), then have them sit in the reception area of that local office for an hour, then, an hour later, at 7, have them drive an hour to a job. The problem? They DON'T pay them for the time from 6 to 7, in spite of telling them they are to be there, and they also don't pay them for the time from 7 to 8 that it might take to get to the client's facility. It's all just gratis--free time spent--wasted--waiting for work. It's yet another example of how this very large and successful company preys on its workers and exploits the daylights out of them, for their own benefit and at the employees' expense in both time and wages. It's obscene, as I said before. Their slogan should be "Labor Ready: Expendable Temporary Labor" or "Exploitable" or "Disposable" , the way they treat these people they're so dependent on for their own existence and success.

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