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Thursday, June 19, 2008

I don't get it

I don't understand people's enjoyment of and interest in horror movies.

In the first place, there is such beauty in the world.

You don't think so?

Photograph flowers. Any flower. Heck, a dandelion.

Then look at it and see if you don't see brilliant, temporary, exhilarating color and vibrancy.

In the second place, you want terror? Instead of some phony, nonsense, fiction fright someone dreamed up, go read everything you can get your hands on about Union Carbide and what they did to so many people in India.

Read what US President Andrew Jackson--and a whole lot of other people--did to the Native Americans.

There's terror for you. There's unimaginable fright.

Imagine a whole people whose religion, language, culture, way of life and spirituality is taken away from them.

That's terror. That's horror.

And that's what we did to Native Americans.

No wonder so many became alcoholic and were otherwise wrecked.

And then there's the burning and death and mutilation that came from Union Carbide's chemical plant explosion near poverty-stricken people in India.

Terror. Unbelievable, unexpected, unimaginable--nearly unreported--terror.

And then there's what the greedheads--from President George W. Bush on down--are doing to America and Americans for the last 7 years. The list is a long one.

From what has happened in Iraq for the last 5 years, to hundreds of thousands of people being either killed or maimed--both Americans and Iraqis--to the raping of the American public for profits, the lists--yes, lists--are long of wrongs, horrors and horrible things visited upon people.

But some want to spend what little time we have for "entertainment" with a horror movie.

It's a luxury I don't appreciate. It's a luxury I don't understand. It's a luxury I don't have any patience for.

It really makes me angry.

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