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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Trump Endangers the Nation -- Some More

 This broke today.  Unreal.

Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team

As I said. Unreal. Someone at the Pentagon is putting this man Trump and his phony election claims ahead of the nation and our security. This is, again, dangerous. Reckless.  It's not like we haven't seen recklessness from this President before now, we certainly have but this is very late in his presidency to have this going on.

Meanwhile, with no leadership from this President, the White House or his administration, this is going on presently.

Certainly still no leadership on or about this pandemic.

And he's still attacking our votes, our election and Democracy.

Fortunately, there is a little bit of positivity.

Now, mind you, it's only 25 members of the GOP. In their research, they found that, yes, 25 of them agree Biden won, 222 of them said it was unclear, the cowards, and 2 actually said Trump won, in spite of all the evidence otherwise. And this late after the election and vote, too. More insanity.

He's still losing his attempt at a war.

We have to take our wins where we get them. 

It's time. We need to #throwthebumout 


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