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Friday, August 17, 2018

Catholicism: Sexual Abuse Over the Centuries

So one more time the story breaks. This, a few days ago.

Catholic Priests Abused 1,000 Children 

in Pennsylvania, Report Says 


One more time.

This one, below, was just last year.

This next one was from this July, before this latest Pennsylvania incident was reported.

Not only have they abused children but they've abused nuns in the religion, too.

How long are we going to put up with this?

How long are we going to tolerate Catholic Priests abusing students, children and yes, nuns, too?

How long are they going to get away with it?

How long are Catholics going to sit in the pews, listening to these men, then giving them money and supporting them?

What kind of insane world is this?

Image result for catholic church and sexual abuse

This episode, just announced, goes back decades. It's been estimated it goes back about 7 decades, to be specific. Seventy years.

Seventy years of children being abused. Boys and girls. Students. Children.

But please, keep in mind, this has been going on, as said in the headline here, for centuries.


Hundreds of years. Literally.

Some reminders: This one especially resonated with me due to the numbers of children found who had died. Had been killed.

This sexual abuse of children has not only occurred through the centuries but across the globe, across the planet, nation to nation.

This was revealed this week, too.

Head of Catholic Bishops Paid Pedophiles to Disappear

Too frequently, repeatedly, in fact, up to now, this is what we've gotten in response, from the Church and its leaders.

Image result for catholic church and sexual abuse

When do we all, around the world, nation by nation, finally say and demand "Enough!"?

When do Catholics?


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