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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Insanity in 3 parts

Is it because of the Presidential campaign or what?

The last 24 hours has pulled so much craziness out of virtual thin air, I can hardly believe what I'm hearing.

Insanity, Part I:

I'm reeling over what this administration has done, is doing and what they've gotten away with and what they're getting away with.

Did you see all this stuff?

First, it's shown that, once again, one of George W. Bush's departments is so incredibly corrupt that it's staggering. The Department of Interior's Mineral Management Service (MMS), which is supposed to oversee contracts with Big Oil, is shown to have had cocaine, marijuana, sex and monetary payoffs within its ranks. It's happened before, with both the Dallas and Denver offices but this time, most of it came out of the Denver office.

Can you imagine if this happened on a Democratic Presidential watch? People would be raising bloody hell.

That's a lot to digest right there, all by itself.

What will it take to get the American public and media--both--to pay attention to what this administration is doing and has done, all in its name?

When is one of these scandals going to hit that will resonate with the public?

One of these would have already brought down a Democratic administration.

It's incredible, truly.

Insanity, Part II

Then, as if that isn't enough insanity in one day, Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah ("I'm not for earmarks any more") Palin declares, publicly, that war with the former Soviet Union probably isn't avoidable?


What, in God's name, will it take to get people to pay attention to what these people are saying and thinking, in order to derail the nightmare that is John McCain and Sarah Palin??

The rest of the sane, logical world wants peace and cooperation, at all costs, and Senator McCain and his running mate are out on the Presidential campaign trail, saber-rattling for World War III.

For the love of all that is good, can we not inject some intelligence and sanity back into these 2?

I'm very nearly panicking here and I want calm, intelligence, sanity and clear-headed thinking.

And we're running "neck and neck" with these people, in the polls?

You have to be kidding me.

Have I lost my mind or has just McCain and Palin lost theirs?

When are we all going to wake up from this nightmare?

Wake up, people! Write your representative. Write you Congress-person. Write your newspaper! Talk to your friends!

Tell everyone you can that we want peace, intelligence and negotiations in our lifetimes--and not chosen, arbitrary, military conflict.

It doesn't have to be this way at all.

Insanity, Part III

Finally, the third insanity in 24 hours from the Bush Administration, it's found that this cabal of people in our White House apparently okayed a special operations force to attack, within a foreign country--within Pakistan--without Pakistan's consent or knowledge.


For pity's sake, people! Wake up! Do something about these maniacs! Write your legislators! Write the White House! Vote! And vote intelligently!

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