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Sunday, March 30, 2008


There are a few things I will never understand.

The first is Blacks or African-Americans in the United States who would be Republican--or politically conservative, for that matter. The Republicans once again showed their true colors in the last year, when they put off, almost permanently, the reenactment of the Voting Rights Bill. They didn't want to renew it. Fortunately, too much public opinion was against them and they weren't great enough in number in Congress. What more evidence would you need, given all the rest that is available from this Party? When they ran candidates for President this year, 12 middle-aged and older rich white males stood up. That's it. It's the party of the rich. It's the party of the corporation. It's certainly not the party of the downtrodden, neglected, denied, discriminated or disadvantaged.

A secong thing I don't understand is any person of not great means becoming a Republican. I can see being Conservative, especially fiscally Conservative--wanting to keep government small and out of citizen's lives but that's it. The whole thing where a great deal of Democrats became "Reagan Republicans" will forever baffle me. This seems, clearly, as a way to understand it, as a way of being "in the in crowd" for fashion's sake, just to be part of the greater whole. If that's the case, it's sad. Really sad.

Another thing I don't understand is any gay, homosexual, lesbian or transgendered person who could possibly be a member of the Republican Party, unless they're just rich, selfish, stupid or self-hating. The Republicans, Conservatives and Christian right has made it extremely clear that they aren't just against this group--they hate them, make no mistake. The evidence is, again, overwhelming. Forget that there are at least 300 species in nature (God's creation, if you're so inclined) and that homosexuality in humans transcends humankind down through time. These people think it's a new, degenerate choice that is against all that is right and good and they'll have nothing of it. And a gay person wants to be a part of that? Are you kidding me?

Another? Churches in the last decade getting "in bed" and colluding with the Republican Party doesn't make any sense. Sure, they've gotten their "faith-based initiatives" nonsense--and then got stabbed in the back by this current White House, from the "back room". The Republican Party and Big Business have so totally used these people and groups for their own big money uses, purely and simply. It was a smarter, more noble world, when the part of the Bible about a wealthy man having the chance of going to heaven, like that of a camel going through the eye of a needle, paraphrased. Where did that go? That's been completely, totally, almost irrevocably lost and no one remembers or laments it--but me, it would seem.

The last thing I don't understand is any Jew wanting to be a Nazi. Oh, yeah, but that never happens.

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