Yes sir, ladies and gentlemen, there are two big, big reasons why this very Republican Party President is in trouble--big trouble--in this election year, regarding his possible re-election.

US President Trump no longer pushing the US economy
The one thing, the one thing this President had going for him, if even that, was the economy, of course. And even that was largely handed to him, as all Presidents are, from the previous administration. Now, with this national and international, deadly, killing pandemic and the necessary stay at home orders across much of the nation and world, he certainly doesn't have that.
And the second thing now going against this President? Glad you asked. This came out today.
Sure, there's his maybe 30% of the nation or less that are his followers, if that isn't shrinking, but the majority of us, most of the nation see through this empty charlatan and emotional blamer.
These two, Mr. and Mrs. America, are the one-two punches that make this President very to extremely unlikely for re-election this year, this Fall. And his repeated emotional tirades at press conferences, lashing out at reporters and his tweet storms, online, don't help him. Not one bit. In spite of what he apparently thinks or wants.
And thank goodness.
Vote, folks. Come November, the 3rd, vote.
And vote blue.
My one big concern, however, is that, between now and our November election and this President's reckoning day, I hope he can take the pressure and rejection that seems to be--deservedly--coming his way.
God help us all.
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