Governor Parson,
Sir, you are not doing yourself or our state, Missourians, any favors by his not putting in place a statewide stay-at-home order for this coronavirus pandemic. Just check out a few of the headlines. So far, as you know, this has been your stance, through today.
Missouri Governor Resists Calls
for Stay-at-Home Order
Meanwhile, major cities are doing the right thing, as we know even right here in Kansas City but others, too.
Three Missouri jurisdictions require citizens to stay home
Heck, even counties across the state have declared stay-at-home orders.
Famously, our neighbors to the West were able to do this, wisely.
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly establishes statewide Stay at Home Order
Some current statistics on us, on Missouri just now with this virus. Pointing out the reason for concern and why this action needs to be taken.
Some leaders across the nation have taken to the media and social media to chastise others who won't put these into effect.
Even St. Louis is trying to either figure out your stance or explain it. And it, too, doesn't reflect well on you.
Here's just some statistics for the nation, breaking today from The Hill:
U.S. death toll tops 5,000:
Additionally, there is data showing the benefits of these stay at home orders.
Meanwhile, Missourians and groups of Missourians are asking you, sir to do just this, put in a stay-at-home order.
- More than 1,000 Americans died of the coronavirus yesterday, moving the total American deaths from the virus to more than 5,100. https://bit.ly/39AYhZT
- In the New York City metropolitan area alone: More than 1,374 people have died. The states total deaths have totaled at least 1,941, according to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D). https://bit.ly/3aDWZ1o
- There are more than 217,000 cases in the United States. https://cnn.it/2UAgW3y
Additionally, there is data showing the benefits of these stay at home orders.
Meanwhile, Missourians and groups of Missourians are asking you, sir to do just this, put in a stay-at-home order.
This could be a reason or one of the reasons you aren't issuing this statewide stay order.
You know, we know, you need the hard support of all his Republican and Right Wing, very conservative base and you maybe want to follow this President's lead, perhaps.
But here's the thing. Here's why these stay-at-home orders are needed just now and so important.
Physical distancing is vital to
change coronavirus math
Ironically, this op/ed writer says stay at home orders are the best way to save, yes, the economy.
Sure, it's tough, very tough on the economy and business.
But what, ultimately, is more important?
Business or our lives?
So we implore you, Governor Parsons. please issue a statewide stay-at-home order at least through April 24 or the end of April. At least. It's the right thing to do. Heck, even Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis did it, yesterday. Even he saw the importance of it.
Please sir. Do this. Do the right thing. And soon as possible. Today would be great. These are tough times. This is a tough situation. We, the citizens of Missouri, need this.
Lots of Missouri citizens, all across the state, including and maybe especially the medical community of our state
So we implore you, Governor Parsons. please issue a statewide stay-at-home order at least through April 24 or the end of April. At least. It's the right thing to do. Heck, even Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis did it, yesterday. Even he saw the importance of it.
Please sir. Do this. Do the right thing. And soon as possible. Today would be great. These are tough times. This is a tough situation. We, the citizens of Missouri, need this.
Lots of Missouri citizens, all across the state, including and maybe especially the medical community of our state
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