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Monday, February 27, 2012

Reagan: A man concerned about the wealthy not paying enough taxes

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The most-esteemed Ronald Reagan wouldn't make it in today's far Right Wing, Tea Party-forced Republican Party.


Sevesteen said...

Almost everyone including the most rabid tea party supporter would say that a millionaire should pay more total taxes than a non-union bus driver. (The union bus driver may be a millionaire...) With a complicated tax code, millionaires can hire lobbyists and lawyers to pay a lower RATE of taxes--also something most people would object to.

Concentrating on 'fair share' ignores overall fairness, should the government overall be taking that big a percentage of our income, overall?

Mo Rage said...

Fair enough. Good question.

If the government did like Europe and perform all the functions it should like truly give us good roads, sewage and drainage, schools, bridges and health care, I'd say yes, especially since the amount in taxes is only approximately 35% here and 50% in Europe.

It sounds as though you just patently don't like paying taxes. It sounds as though paying taxes is something you dislike and resent more than anything.

Sevesteen said...

I object mostly to federal taxes--If we still used the ninth and tenth amendments, local and state taxes and government might even be legitimately higher and bigger than they are now, but with a more than matching reduction in federal. I keep hearing "It is only costing the city X, because the rest is paid for with a federal grant". That is an awful way to make economic decisions--the federal government should not be involved in local activities, whether it is the bike path in my town, or the font of street signs in New York City: