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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Great play by Iran right now---and terrific irony

How's this for irony? (Which I've said here before, I love so much.) If it's real and sincere, it's as ironic as it gets: 'It's a sin': Iran calls on treaty to ban nuclear weapons What's great about this is, first, that Iran would be saying there needs to be a ban on nuclear weapons, just as the US is insisting they're trying to build them. Oh, and that we want to go in, "blow them up real good" (with thanks to SCTV) and keep them from building nuclear weapons because, well, you know, they're trying to. Secondly, the reason this is so grea--and ironic--is that they're not only saying there should be a ban on nuclear weapons but that--this is great, wait for it--"it's a sin"! They're using religion to say it's bad, too. Sure, it's that Muslim religion the Christians villify and look down their noses on but hey, it's still religion. It's still saying it goes against--ulp--God. They couldn't have come up with a better idea right now nor a better way to call us out on this if they tried. You have to hand it to them for this move. It's a beauty, and on at least 2 levels. They're obviously trying to beat us at our own game. Make that games. Link:

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