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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Senator Blunt says President Obama is "out of touch" on energy?

Senator Roy Blunt has an article in the Star today saying just that, that President Obama is "out of touch" on energy in the country. He's at least blatantly wrong, if not also full of chutzpah. To the Senator, then, I suggest these four articles, that I also put on the Star's comments section, as well as the Senator's Facebook page: 1) Keystone XL pipeline will not reduce gasoline prices: 2) Would Approval of Keystoone XL Pipeline Lower Gas Prices? 3) This from yesterday: Keystone XL: White House Backs Portion Of Pipeline That Ships U.S. Oil Overseas 4) Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist In this story, it shows how Americans are losing their own property, via Eminent Domain, so this very Canadian company can take their land for this, their pipeline. People in the states of Nebraska, South Dakota and Texas, to name a few. It's shameful. Then, finally, add to this that the very Republican Governor of Texas is also strongly against this pipeline. So don't tell us who's "out of touch", Senator Blunt, please. You clearly seem to have an agenda with your position and it doesn't look to be for the American people or, heaven knows, your constituents. If you really want to get lower gas prices for us, sir, put back on the control of energy speculation that used to be in our laws prior to 2000. THAT would help. In this way, companies and people couldn't artificially increase the cost of fuel just so they could make yet more profits for a small group, on the backs of the rest of us Americans. It hurts the finances of homes and businesses alike. Link to original story:

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