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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This looks to be just one more "Super Tuesday"

With today's vote for the Republican presidential candidate in Michigan, it looks to be just one more great day for Michiganers and Americans, as a whole, for that matter. Worst case scenario? Mitt Romney wins and wins big. How likely is that? Incredibly unlikely, given his very public stance that he was only too happy to let Detroit and GM and Chrysler and the automobile industry in the US fail and go bankrupt. He's reaping what he sowed. Best case scenario--and what's most likely to happen today? Rick "So What If I Don't Have a Brain" Santorum wins here. After that, it's still all good. So what if the Newtster won or Ron Paul? None have a chance, nationally against their Democratic rival in November. So all in all, today seems like just more of this terrific, mild winter we're having. That is, fantastic. Link:

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