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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rex Sinquefield & Clay Chastain: Just go away

I've decided Rex Sinquefield has joined Clay Chastain as yet another perennial, pain in the neck nuisances that haunt Kansas City and our environs and they both just need to go away. Mr. Chastain doesn't live here and hasn't for years, residing as he does back East but he keeps trying to drop in and give us mass transit. And while I'm all for mass transit (that's another issue), him buzzing around this city like a pesky, persistent fly at an otherwise pleasant picnic is a pain in the keister. Then there's rich man, St Louisan Rex "I have tons of money" Sinquefield who keeps coming up with ideas he can foist off on Missourians to--in his mind--"make our lives better" by screwing with our tax system, even though he's not an office holder. His latest idea, of course, is to do away with the income tax and to have a sales tax instead. He even brought in famed economist Arthur Laffer to tell "the Kansas City Star's editorial board Monday that there could be problems if Missouri trades its income tax for a sales tax -- if Kansas doesn't do something similar." (See link below).
Forget that a sales tax only is punishing to the middle and lower classes and that it benefits the wealthy greatly, sure, forget that. All that's important is that we live life as Rex "The King" Sinquefield thinks we should live it and as he would have the state be. Seriously, both of you jerkwads--go away. Leave us be. Whatever issues we'll have, we'll deal with them. Go home. Be quiet. Live your own lives and let us live ours. It's why we have government. Links:;

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